Most SEOs Believe Google Can Penalize A Site Without A Notification

Back in the old days, when you received a manual action Google did not notify you in Google Search Console with a message. But can that still happen today? Can you get a manual action without a notification from Google? Most SEOs believe that can and does happen. 过去,当您收到手动操作时,Google并未在Google Search Console中通过消息通知您。但是今天还能发生吗?您可以在没有Google通知的情况下进行手动操作吗?大多数SEO相信这会并且确实会发生。

I did ask Google if they could comment but I did not hear back. 我确实问过Google是否可以发表评论,但没有收到回复。

Here is a Twitter poll from Dejan that shows 75% of SEOs feel Google can demote a page/site with a manual action without notifying that webmaster in Search Console. The poll has over 200 responses: 这是来自Dejan的Twitter调查,显示75%的SEO认为Google可以通过手动操作降级页面/网站,而无需在Search Console中通知该网站管理员。该民意调查有200多个回应:

Again, Google did not comment on this.

Former Google Pedro Dias shared his thoughts:

Back in the old days, even when messaging launched for manual actions - Google did say that it won't always send a message if it felt the message might help the spammer. But again, I am not sure if things changed in the past dozen years or so on that. 过去,即使是为了手动操作而启动消息传递时-Google确实表示,如果感觉到该消息可能有助于垃圾邮件发送者,它就不会总是发送消息。但是,我不确定在过去的十几年中情况是否发生了变化。

It seems most SEOs feel it has not changed. 似乎大多数SEO认为它没有改变。

Keep in mind, algorithm updates that impact sites might feel like a penalty but they are not manual actions and notices do not go out for algorithmic updates. I did ask Google to give us an automated action viewer but it isn't going to happen. 请记住,影响站点的算法更新可能会让人感到惩罚,但它们不是手动操作,不会针对算法更新发出通知。我确实要求Google给我们一个自动化的动作查看器,但是这不会发生。

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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